COVID-19 Vaccination Clinics Announced for February 17, 19, and 20, 2021

COVID-19 Vaccination Clinics Announced for February 17, 19, and 20, 2021

COVID-19 Vaccination Clinics Have Been Announced for this week for Providence Residents 75 and Older:

Wednesday, February 17, 2021:
Managed by Providence Emergency Management Agency

Friday, February 19, 2021:
Managed by Aesthenis Pharmacy in partnership with the City of Providence

Saturday, February 20, 2021:
Managed by Providence Emergency Management Agency

*Internet Explorer will not work with the above-provided links. Anyone who registers that is not 75+ or a resident of Providence will have their appointment cancelled. In the coming days, additional clinic dates will be added to

Residents who need assistance signing up for an appointment are encouraged to dial 3-1-1 to speak with a representative who can walk you through the enrollment process in English or Spanish. Although additional staff are supporting phone lines, residents should expect longer than normal wait times as MCCS anticipates a higher than normal call volume.

City Councilors Call on Residents to Vote “Yes” on Questions Two, Three, and Five in Upcoming Special Election

City Councilors Call on Residents to Vote “Yes” on Questions Two, Three, and Five in Upcoming Special Election

At last week’s City Council meeting, Councilors put forth several resolutions urging Providence voters to vote “Yes” on ballot referendum questions two, three, and five in the special election taking place on March 2, 2021. In December 2020, Governor Raimondo signed a state budget for the 2021 fiscal year that restored funding to cities and towns, used federal coronavirus relief funds to aid struggling Rhode Islanders, and did not raise taxes. In addition to the FY21 budget, there were also seven bond referendums regarding $400 million in bonds for education, affordable housing, green infrastructure, transportation, and other initiatives. All three resolutions were sponsored by the full Council.

The first resolution, proposed by Councilman John Goncalves (Ward 1), asks that voters vote “Yes” on ballot question two to support a $74 million bond for environmental and recreational projects.

“This bond would create funding for a proposed park on the former I-95 land along with local recreational projects, the dredging of the Providence River, the restoration of local wetlands, much needed municipal resiliency projects, and more. We are encouraging Providence voters to vote ‘Yes’ on question two in order to create meaningful and lasting environmental improvements not only in the City of Providence but across the State of Rhode Island,” stated Councilman John Goncalves.

The second resolution, also proposed by Councilman John Goncalves, advocates that voters vote “Yes” on ballot question five, which includes a $15 million bond for early childhood care and the Educational Capital fund.

“I call on all Providence residents to vote ‘Yes’ on ballot question five. This funding will be key to ensuring our students have a strong start, as early childhood care and education is what supplies children with a solid and broad foundation for success both in and out of school,” stated Council President Sabina Matos.

The third resolution, proposed by Council President Sabina Matos (Ward 15), Deputy Majority Leader Mary Kay Harris (Ward 11), and Councilman John Goncalves (Ward 1), urges residents to vote “Yes” on ballot question three, in support of a $65 million bond for affordable housing projects throughout the state.

“This bond will allocate millions of dollars towards the building and maintaining of affordable housing in Rhode Island. In addition, millions more will go directly towards community revitalization projects. I encourage residents to support this initiative, as affordable housing and community development will be central in the recovery of our economy and public health moving forward,” added Council President Matos.

The special election will occur on Tuesday, March 2, with polls open from 7:00 AM to 8:00 PM. The deadline to submit mail ballot applications is Tuesday, February 9 and early in-person voting begins on Wednesday, February 10.

To request a mail ballot, click here:
To find your polling location, click here:

City Councilors Call on Residents to Vote “Yes” on Questions Two, Three, and Five in Upcoming Special Election

Providence City Council Ordinance Banning Housing Discrimination Has First Passage

At tonight’s City Council meeting, an ordinance which would ban housing discrimination for prospective renters who rely on alternative source of income such as a Federal Housing Choice Voucher, child support, Social Security, Supplemental Security Income (SSI), veteran’s assistance or any other form or lawful income had its first passage by the City Council. The ordinance was initially introduced by Councilor Rachel Miller (Ward 13) and is co-sponsored by Council President Sabina Matos (Ward 15), Majority Whip John J. Igliozzi, Esq. (Ward 7), and Councilors Helen Anthony (Ward 2), Michael Correia (Ward 6), John Goncalves (Ward 1), Nirva LaFortune (Ward 3), Kat Kerwin (Ward 12), Pedro Espinal (Ward 10), David A. Salvatore (Ward 14), and James E. Taylor (Ward 8).

“Our goal when we introduced this legislation in March 2019 was to expand opportunity for Providence residents and to ensure that our neighborhoods are income diverse and able to thrive,” stated Councilwoman Rachel Miller, Ward 13. “With Barrington passing a similar ordinance in 2020, and now Providence, we are paving the way to encourage more municipalities and the State to pass legislation to protect Rhode Island families. If you have the funds to pay your rent, that should be the end of the discussion. Sadly, for many in our community, it is not. We are one step closer to ending this pervasive discrimination, and that is a victory. Yet, there is still more work to be done to address the need for affordable housing not just here in Providence, but across the State.”

The Federal Fair Housing Act of 1968 and its amendments in 1988 prohibits housing discrimination based on race, color, religion, national origin, familial status, sex, and disability, and Rhode Island State law offers further protections; landlords may still reject interested renters because of where their income comes from, even if they can afford the requested rent. Those most vulnerable to this type of discrimination include tenants who are disproportionately disabled, low-income, families with children, and people of color.

“Discrimination in any form cannot and will not be tolerated in Providence. Tonight, we are one vote closer to making housing discrimination a thing of the past,” stated City Council President Sabina Matos.  “Finding affordable housing is already a challenge in the City, and adding to that the sometimes blatant discrimination from landlords when they learn a potential renter has a voucher or subsidy is a frightening reality. This practice is putting the most vulnerable in our community at risk. Tonight is the beginning of the end to housing discrimination, and I want to thank Councilor Miller for leading the charge on this pressing issue. As we enter the second year of a global pandemic where more and more people find themselves living on the margins, and where so many Rhode Islanders are cost-burdened by rents, this important legislation will help more families find homes.”

According to a report published this month by the National Multifamily Housing Council, 16 states prohibit discrimination based on source of income. Also, there are more than 100 municipalities that have source of income discrimination legislation. Providence is the second municipality in Rhode Island to codify local protections for renters.

The recently released HousingWorks RI 2020 Housing Fact Book breaks down cost-burdened renter households by median incomes: $12,765 and below; $12,766-$25,792; and $25,793-$44,541.  These incomes represent the lowest, lower-middle, and middle annual household incomes, respectively. In each of these brackets, 66 percent to 81 percent consider their households to be cost-burdened, while 12 percent to 60 percent across these groups consider themselves to be severely cost-burdened.  This legislation is designed to help these families continue to have ample access to housing without fear of being denied rent based on source of income.

This ordinance will need a second passage by the Council before it is sent to the Mayor for his signature.

City Councilors Call on Residents to Vote “Yes” on Questions Two, Three, and Five in Upcoming Special Election

Providence City Council Endorses Creation of An Environmentally Preferable Purchasing Policy

At last week’s City Council Meeting, the Providence City Council passed a resolution requesting the Office of Sustainability collaborate with the Purchasing Department, the Healthy Communities Office, the Providence Public School Department, and the school district’s food service and facilities management companies to create an Environmentally Preferable Purchasing Policy (EPP Policy) for the City of Providence. The resolution was introduced by Councilman John Goncalves (Ward 1) and co-sponsored by Council President Sabina Matos (Ward 15), Council Majority Leader JoAnn Ryan (Ward 5), Senior Deputy Majority Leader Nicholas J. Narducci Jr. (Ward 4), Deputy Majority leader Mary Kay Harris (Ward 11), Majority Whip John J. Igliozzi, Esq. (Ward 7), Councilors Helen Anthony, Esq. (Ward 2), Pedro Espinal (Ward 10), Kat Kerwin (Ward 12), Rachel Miller (Ward 13), David A. Salvatore (Ward 14) Carmen Castillo (Ward 9), Michael Correia (Ward 6), and James E. Taylor (Ward 8).

In November of last year, Councilman Goncalves drafted a resolution calling for the City of Providence to share an inventory of single-use plastics used at City-owned properties. Based on discussions with Providence’s Office of Sustainability, the Environmental Sustainability Task Force and Clean Water Action Rhode Island, the resolution was later broadened to include environmentally preferable practices in all City purchasing, not just single-use plastics.

“What we learned when researching our City’s purchasing practices is that there is room for an environmentally friendly approach in many areas, not just single-use plastics. This new resolution encourages an Environmentally Preferable Purchasing Policy that holistically addresses environmental and health concerns such as reducing the use of products containing neurotoxic chemicals along with purchasing products that contribute to a local, regenerative, and circular economy in Providence,” stated Councilman John Goncalves.

An EPP Policy will guide City staff and contractors in making purchasing choices that minimize negative impacts on human health and the environment while supporting the goals outlined in the City’s Climate Justice Plan. Making the switch to EPP does not have to be a costly endeavor as more and more cities and nations are going “green.” Items that would replace single-use plastics and other supplies have sharply decreased in price to be equivalent or even less costly than their traditional alternatives, particularly when lifecycle costs are taken into account. Coupled with third-party certification programs to guide staff, this can be a win-win for the city’s fiscal health and our goal of being carbon neutral by 2050.

Majority Leader Jo-Ann Ryan expressed, “I was very happy to join Councilor Goncalves as a co-sponsor on this important initiative. When we are looking at how we are spending our precious tax dollars I believe that putting an eye on greener and more efficient purchasing will benefit our City’s fiscal health in the long term. This is another great step in making Providence a greener city.”

Additionally, Councilor Helen Anthony, one of the co-sponsors of the resolution stated, “I’m proud to support the adoption of the Environmental Preferable Purchasing Policy by the City of Providence. We need to lead by example. Green purchasing will minimize the negative environmental impacts of the products and services used by the City and generate a healthier environment for our residents.”

“With an EPP Policy, the City can leverage its purchasing power to lead by example in city-owned schools and facilities, create a healthy workplace, schools, and community spaces, and help build a sustainable, zero-waste economy right here in Providence,” said Leah Bamberger, Director of Sustainability. “The Office of Sustainability looks forward to working with colleagues and contractors across the City to explore purchasing options that prioritize the health of our people and planet.”

Some of the goals of an EPP policy as outlined in the resolution are to encourage City staff to purchase products and institute practices that reduce waste and materials that are landfilled, especially single-use plastics; conserve energy and water; reduce greenhouse gas emissions; and minimize the use of products containing neurotoxic chemicals. An EPP policy would create incentives for healthy, low-impact purchasing in City-owned facilities and encourage other consumers to adopt similar policies.

“We are grateful to Councilman Goncalves not only for the content of this Resolution – which will help put the City on a path to achieving goals set forth in the Climate Justice Plan – but also for actively engaging with the community and incorporating feedback from the Environmental Sustainability Task Force’s meeting. The Task Force unanimously voted to support the Resolution in December and we want to express thanks to the Councilman for demonstrating collaborative governance,” said Sue AnderBois, Chair of the Environmental Sustainability Task Force.

“I am grateful to the many community partners who have worked to create this plan to institute an EPP Policy including the City of Providence Office of Sustainability and Purchasing Department, my Council colleagues, Mayor Elorza, the Environmental Sustainability Task Force, Clean Water Action Rhode Island, as well as national partner Healthy Babies Bright Futures. I look forward to seeing this initiative come to fruition in the City of Providence as we lead by example and work together to find new ways to ensure that the City of Providence is a green, clean and healthy place for all who reside here,” added Councilman Goncalves.

To read the full resolution, click here.

City Councilors Call on Residents to Vote “Yes” on Questions Two, Three, and Five in Upcoming Special Election

Providence City Council Hires Paul J. Fox III as Chief of Staff

Providence City Council Hires Paul J. Fox III as Chief of Staff

Fox brings more than a decade of experience working with city leaders

Providence City Council President Sabina Matos today announced a new chief of staff to support the work of the 15-member Council. Paul J. Fox, III (P.J.) will begin on Monday, December 21, 2020.

“We are excited to welcome P.J. to our team,” stated Council President Sabina Matos. “His career has been dedicated to serving the residents of Providence and helping make our city a safe and welcoming place for everyone to live and work. I look forward to working together to move the work of the Council and the City of Providence forward. As we begin this new chapter, I would be remiss if I did not thank Doris De Los Santos for serving as the interim chief of staff during this period. This is not an easy role to fill, and she stepped in and handled it with grace, and I am indebted to her for all she has done to keep our office running.”

The Chief of Staff to the Providence City Council is entrusted with the management of the Council Staff, City Clerk’s Office, City Treasurer’s Office, City Archives, and Municipal and Probate Courts. Additionally, their role supports the 15 elected City Councilors and their work. They engage with stakeholders across all sectors and will work to strengthen the City’s COVID-19 response and recovery.

Paul J. Fox III shared, “I am grateful for the opportunity to join the City Council team. I look forward to helping Council members serve the residents of Providence, especially as we continue to navigate these challenging times due to the COVID-19 pandemic.”

Most recently, Fox served as the executive director of the Nonviolence Institute. He also sits on the Board of Directors of Providence Sports and Leadership, a youth leadership development organization. Fox is also the Vice- President of the Providence St. Patrick’s Day Parade and is a member of the Providence Rotary Club. He is a graduate of the University of Rhode Island with a degree in Political Science.


City Councilors Call on Residents to Vote “Yes” on Questions Two, Three, and Five in Upcoming Special Election

City Council Approves the Refunding of Bonds Giving a $1.3 Million Boost to the City’s Pension System

Tonight, the City Council voted to approve the refunding of the City’s bond portfolio. The refunding of bonds is much like the refinancing of homes, providing efficiency and better interest rates, which yield savings.

“I want to thank the Committee on Finance, our Council finance team, and the City’s finance team for their dedication to ensuring that we are doing what we can, when we can, to help address our pension liability. It is not always easy but finding savings to help address our fiscal obligations is paramount,” stated Council President Sabina Matos (Ward 15).

The 2010 bond’s refunding will realize more than $1.3 million in net savings for the City of Providence and will not extend the life of the bond, nor will it cause the City to incur an increase in its financial obligations.

“Refunding bonds at this time is an important cash management tool,” stated Chairman of the Committee on Finance and Majority Whip John J. Igliozzi, Esq. (Ward 7). “It is what you do with the savings that are realized from refunding that is important. The Committee has wisely and clearly stated that the funds should go toward the City’s pension fund. This will provide some relief to our more than billion-dollar unfunded pension liability. The Committee on Finance are stewards of the City’s finances, and it is mission-critical that we remain laser-focused on these long-term obligations.”

The City Council has directed the City’s Finance Director to ensure that any net savings from the refunding of the bonds will be used to pay a pension payment above one hundred percent of the Annual Required Contribution and cannot supplant any pension payment. Guaranteeing the additional $1.3 million in savings from the bond refunding go towards the City’s outstanding pension liability.

Vice-Chair of the Committee on Finance and City Council Majority Leader Jo-Ann Ryan (Ward 5) shared, “With the current low interest rate environment, the City is wise to be proactive in its bond management strategy. Directing the realized savings towards our pressing long-term fiscal obligations makes good sense. The Committee on Finance has an obligation to our taxpayers to be fiscally responsible and prudent with these funds. Ensuring that savings are put towards the City’s pension is an important step in that direction.”

The resolution was passed tonight by the City Council and will allow for the City to refund the bonds before the end of the calendar year.

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