Statement from Finance Chairwoman Helen Anthony (Ward 2) Regarding the College Student Occupancy Ordinance

Statement from Finance Chairwoman Helen Anthony (Ward 2) Regarding the College Student Occupancy Ordinance

May 3, 2023



Chelsea DeCesare, Press Secretary

Providence, RI – “I thank all the community members who participated in the public hearing process. At the heart of this issue is a concern many of us share: wealthy developers have been purchasing multi-family homes near colleges and universities, converting them to dormitory-like housing, reducing available housing for families, and disrupting our neighborhoods. Residents have seen ongoing problems with noise, trash, loud parties, and parking problems. Developers have faced fines for various violations, but make so much profit that they just pay them and continue to operate. For those reasons, I introduced this student occupancy ordinance.

After listening to community feedback, we realized the ordinance was too broad, so I significantly narrowed the focus to close the loophole on non-conforming homes in R1 and R1A zones only and to only include undergraduate students.

This ordinance was not anti-housing, but the opposite. We must strive to be a city where families can thrive and preserve housing for our residents. We need to encourage colleges and universities to do their share to house their students and not encourage our limited housing stock to be converted into profit centers for neglectful developers.”

Statement from Finance Chairwoman Helen Anthony (Ward 2) Regarding the College Student Occupancy Ordinance

Statement from Councilwoman Helen Anthony Regarding Proposed Changes to College Student Occupancy of Homes and Apartments

PROVIDENCE, R.I. – “Our city faces a housing crisis. There is no one cause for that crisis, and there will not be one solution. But one clear factor is the number of college campuses that are bleeding into our neighborhoods, creating pressure on current housing stock. We need to do what we can to preserve housing for our residents and to maintain our neighborhoods. Despite the city’s efforts to hold developers accountable through fines, inspections, and other restrictions, we continue to see noise and public safety matters connected to overcrowded student rental properties throughout our city.

The ordinance amendment was proposed to spark conversation about a new path forward. We cannot continue to allow property owners to disrupt neighborhoods and the housing market. These issues are not being addressed, and the impact on too many families is not getting the visibility it deserves.

I am committed to an open government, and I appreciate the many people who are stepping forward to share their views. I have asked for the public hearing process on this ordinance to remain open so that we might hear more from residents, owners, and students, examine more data, and explore all options to ensure we are doing all we can to preserve our housing stock and the strength of our neighborhoods for the families of Providence.”

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