Council Approves Spay/Neuter Requirements, Dog Breeding Restrictions

Council Approves Spay/Neuter Requirements, Dog Breeding Restrictions

The Providence City Council on Thursday approved an ordinance that regulates dog breeding in Providence and requires dogs that are not registered for breeding to be spayed or neutered. The ordinance was introduced by Councilman Nicholas Narducci (Ward 4).


“We’ve taken an important step to ensure that dogs are bred responsibly in our city,” said Councilman Narducci. “This ordinance is the first of its kind in the state and will serve as a model for other municipalities to promote the well-being of animals.”


The ordinance establishes a new dog breeding permit, which will be administered by the City’s Animal Control Department. Potential breeding sites will be inspected prior to approval; sites must be found in compliance with applicable laws and meet the department’s standards for the proper care and breeding of dogs.


The ordinance also sets a maximum limit of 3 adult dogs per household and mandates that a dog owner without a breeding permit is required to have their dog/s spayed or neutered by 6 months of age.


The ordinance is endorsed by the Rhode Island Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (RISPCA). “The Rhode Island SPCA firmly supports the passage of this ordinance and commends the Providence City Council for setting a precedent for the rest of the state to follow,” said RISPCA Animal Cruelty Officer Joe Warzycha.

City Council Approves Final Passage of Providence Community-Police Relations Act

City Council Approves Final Passage of Providence Community-Police Relations Act

Landmark Legislation Aims to End Racial Profiling, Bolster Police Accountability and Oversight

The Providence City Council tonight approved final passage of the Providence Community-Police Relations Act (PCPRA), a comprehensive, community-driven ordinance that aims to end racial profiling and codify into law best practices in police conduct from around the country. The PCPRA is considered one of the most progressive policing bills in the United States and includes a broad range of measures that strengthen protections for youth, transgender individuals, people of color, and immigrants. The comprehensive scope of the ordinance makes it the first of its kind in the country.

The landmark legislation was approved with recommended amendments from a panel comprised of community members, police administration and union representatives, and City Solicitor, administration, and City Council representatives. The amendments include greater clarification of definitions used in the ordinance, improved language that eliminates confusion about intent, and language changes that ensure consistency between the ordinance and State law. The final version of the ordinance also reflects the panel’s recommendation to change the ordinance’s name from the Community Safety Act to the Providence Community-Police Relations Act to better demonstrate its intent.

In its final form, the PCPRA is the product of nearly three years of stakeholder engagement. Among its many provisions, the ordinance effectively prohibits racial and other forms of discriminatory profiling, mandates policies for the use of body cameras, brings much-needed reforms to the Providence Police Department’s “gang database,” and codifies policies regarding non-criminal immigration concerns.

First introduced in 2014, the ordinance reflects years of research and collaboration between community members, elected officials, and public safety leaders. The comprehensive legislation brings together and expands upon best practices adopted from numerous cities, including New York City, Seattle, and Austin. The City Council solicited input from a wide range of stakeholders—including the Fraternal Order of Police, members of the STEP-UP Coalition, the Chief of Police, Commissioner of Public Safety, the Mayor’s Office, and the City’s law department—to deliver an ordinance that builds upon the Providence Police Department’s positive track record of community-police relations and public trust.


  • Prohibits racial and other forms of discriminatory profiling
    Prevents police officers from racially profiling or otherwise discriminating against individuals based on their race, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, religion, and other factors
  • Establishes how police officers will document and collect data from traffic and pedestrian stops
    Allows individuals stopped by the police to request and receive a report on their stop
    Mandates policies for the use of body-worn cameras
    Protects individuals’ rights to photograph and film the police
  • Mandates greater transparency and accountability in police-community interactions
    Requires officers to inform drivers of why their vehicle was stopped, sets standards for requiring information from passengers, and codifies policy on individuals driving without a license                                                                                Requires that officers inform individuals of their constitutional right to refuse before asking for consent to a search Requires officers in uniform to show their federal ID numbers                                                                                              Requires the Chief of Police to submit quarterly reports to Providence External Review Authority (PERA) on the data collected
  • Establishes new protections for juveniles, immigrants, and transgender individuals
    Establishes right of transgender individuals to be searched by an officer of their gender identity and requires the Police Department to develop policies for handling those searches
    Prohibits officers from inquiring about an individual’s immigration status, and requires officers to accept valid identification from foreign governments
    Sets standards for dealing with individuals lacking proof of identification
    Prohibits officers from photographing juveniles under most circumstances
  • Improves and codifies policies for use of Gang Database
    Requires the Police Department to establish policies for determining if an individual should be added to the gang database
    Prohibits certain factors, such as race, from being included in the criteria for adding someone to the gang database
    Requires parental notification when anyone under 18 is added to the gang database
    Allows anyone over 18 to ask if they are on the gang database
    Creates both an administrative removal process and a formal appeal process for people who feel they were added to the database in error.
    Requires an annual audit of the gang database to identify any errors and make recommendations for improving its use
  • Improves language access for Limited English Proficient (LEP) individuals
    Requires the Police Department maintain its language access hotline to connect officers with qualified translators
    Requires the use of qualified translators if the officer isn’t fluent in the language spoken (except in emergencies)
    Mandates policies on officer fluency and defining emergencies
    Requires custodial interrogations of LEP individuals be recorded
    Requires vital materials be available in the five most commonly spoken languages in Providence


Council to Consider $45M Bond Issuance

Council to Consider $45M Bond Issuance

Highly Detailed Public Infrastructure Plan Reaches Every City Neighborhood

Finance Committee Chairman John Igliozzi (Ward 7) tonight introduced a resolution that seeks to authorize the issuance of a $45M bond from the Providence Public Buildings Authority (PPBA) to fund a comprehensive 5-year strategic infrastructure plan for the City of Providence. The resolution was referred to the Finance Committee for further vetting.

The proposed Capital Improvement Plan—a highly detailed public infrastructure program that reaches every City neighborhood— is the result of a strong, collaborative effort by City Council leadership to deliver a transparent, equitable, and thoroughly vetted spending plan to taxpayers prior to bond issuance.

An earlier proposal introduced by the administration last summer failed to earn Council support due to the lack of a clear spending plan, a rushed timeline, and the city’s financial outlook. The initial proposal, which was less than a half page in length, sought to allocate tens of millions of dollars into a few “spending buckets.” The proposal was introduced to the Council after the budget for the current fiscal year had been adopted, and just weeks ahead of the state deadline to put a bond referendum on the November ballot. At the time, the city also had a negative rainy day fund balance and low bond rating.

In recent months, the city’s financial outlook has improved; the city’s bond rating has been upgraded and a large portion of the city’s debt will be repaid in the upcoming fiscal year. The Council is also expected to pass a balanced budget and add $3.5M to the city’s rainy day fund. In light of this progress, the Council will soon deliberate the proposed Capital Improvement Plan. The proposal will be available to the public and deliberated in open Finance Committee meetings.

“This proposal has come together through collaboration between the City Council and administration,” said Acting Council President Sabina Matos (Ward 15). “Councilors feel more comfortable now that adequate time has been taken to develop a plan that includes greater input from all stakeholders.”

“The vetting process of the Capital Improvement Plan will ensure that a clear spending plan is presented to the public, and that the needs of every neighborhood are addressed. No corner of the city will be overlooked as we seek to secure resources for these critical infrastructure improvements,” said Finance Committee Chairman John Igliozzi.

“The Council has worked to secure an infrastructure proposal from the administration that specifies spending plans and reaches every neighborhood,” said Majority Whip Jo-Ann Ryan (Ward 5). “I look forward to vetting this comprehensive proposal with my colleagues.”

Councilors Call on Administration to Halt Controversial Traffic Plan at Roger Williams Park

Councilors Call on Administration to Halt Controversial Traffic Plan at Roger Williams Park

Following public concerns raised among hundreds of constituents in Providence and Cranston, three members of the Providence City Council tonight introduced a measure to halt Mayor Elorza’s controversial traffic pattern plan for Roger Williams Park. The resolution, introduced by Councilors Carmen Castillo (Ward 9), Sabina Matos (Ward 15) and Luis Aponte (Ward 10), calls for the administration to cease work on the project until traffic impact studies are conducted in both Providence and Cranston. The Elorza administration has suggested a traffic study was conducted inside the park, but has not yet released its findings to the public or to the City Council.


The administration’s plans to change F.C. Memorial Boulevard to a one-way greenway has drawn criticism from residents in Cranston and Providence neighborhoods that border the park. Concerns about the plan’s impact on city streets surrounding the park have not been addressed, and residents are especially concerned about the traffic impact around neighboring schools.

Cranston Mayor Allan Fung has publicly stated that the City of Providence did not engage his administration in any discussion about the plans. Fung also called on the administration to halt implementation until further information becomes available. Much of Roger Williams Park abuts Cranston neighborhoods.


In a letter sent to Mayor Elorza and the Providence City Council today, Rhode Island Foundation Executive Director Neil Steinberg stated concerns and frustrations with the administration’s execution of its plan: “[W]e are disappointed by what we believe are avoidable, public scuffles about the efficacy of the directional change on Greene Boulevard and an inability to transparently gather and consider input from the community regarding this change.” The Rhode Island Foundation is a key partner and steward for the park; the organization has led a $10M fundraising campaign for the park and manages its permanent endowment.


The resolution was sent to the Committee on Public Works for further deliberation. 

CSA Working Group Reaches Consensus, Submits Recommendations to City Council

CSA Working Group Reaches Consensus, Submits Recommendations to City Council

The City Council Committee on Ordinances will tonight receive a final report from the Community Safety Act Working Group, a panel established by the Council in April tasked with resolving outstanding concerns about the proposed landmark ordinance that seeks to improve police and community relations by adopting best practices from around the country. The working group was comprised of community members, police administration and union representatives, and City solicitor, administration, and City Council representatives.

The working group’s recommendations include greater clarification of definitions used in the ordinance, improved language that eliminates confusion about intent, and language changes that ensure consistency between the ordinance and State law. The working group has also proposed changing the ordinance’s title to the Providence Community-Police Relations Act (PCPRA) to better demonstrate its intent.

“The working group’s final recommendations reflect an open, collaborative process that successfully resolved all stakeholders’ stated concerns,” said Majority Leader Bryan Principe (Ward 13), who served as the group’s chair. “Our diverse panel of stakeholders engaged in thoughtful deliberation to make friendly amendments that strengthen and clarify this important piece of legislation.”

“The working group was constructive in making necessary changes and modifications with the original version. It also presented an opportunity to make clarifications on some of the language to resolve issues,” said Providence Police Chief Col. Hugh Clements. “I stand in support of this current version.”

The group met regularly throughout the month to reach consensus on each of the ordinance’s proposed amendments. Working group members were careful not to alter the intent of the ordinance, and instead focused on improving and clarifying the language in the legislation. Each recommended amendment of the ordinance was approved unanimously by the panel.

“The working group has done an outstanding job in working through some of the former concerns about the ordinance and coming up with alternatives that we can feel confident about,” said Councilwoman Mary Kay Harris (Ward 11), who served as a member of the working group.

“This process brought everyone together to participate in the discussion, which was beneficial for the act itself and to achieve its objective,” said Councilman Terrence Hassett (Ward 12), who chairs the Council’s Ordinance Committee and served as a member of the working group.

“This is an important piece of legislation, and the additional deliberation was time well spent,” said Majority Whip Jo-Ann Ryan (Ward 5). “I commend the working group for their diligence and working together to address unresolved issues.”

In its final form, the bill is the product of nearly three years of stakeholder engagement. Among its many provisions, the ordinance effectively prohibits racial and other forms of discriminatory profiling, mandates policies for the use of body cameras, brings much-needed reforms to the Providence Police Department’s “gang database,” and codifies policies regarding non-criminal immigration concerns.


  • Prohibits racial and other forms of discriminatory profiling
    Prevents police officers from racially profiling or otherwise discriminating against individuals based on their race, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, religion, and other factors
  • Establishes how police officers will document and collect data from traffic and pedestrian stops
    Allows individuals stopped by the police to request and receive a report on their stop
    Mandates policies for the use of body-worn cameras
    Protects individuals’ rights to photograph and film the police
  • Mandates greater transparency and accountability in police-community interactions
    Requires officers to inform drivers of why their vehicle was stopped, sets standards for requiring information from passengers, and codifies policy on individuals driving without a license
    Requires that officers inform individuals of their constitutional right to refuse before asking for consent to a search
    Requires officers in uniform to wear name tags and to show their federal ID numbers
    Requires officers to provide their name and federal ID number when conducting stops and searches.
    Requires the Chief of Police to submit quarterly reports to Providence External Review Authority (PERA) on the data collected
  • Establishes new protections for juveniles, immigrants, and transgender individuals
    Establishes right of transgender individuals to be searched by an officer of their gender identity and requires Police Department to develop policies for handling those searches
    Prohibits officers from inquiring about an individual’s immigration status, and requires officers to accept valid identification from foreign governments
    Sets standards for dealing with individuals lacking proof of identification
    Prohibits officers from photographing juveniles under most circumstances
  • Improves and codifies policies for use of Gang Database
    Requires the Police Department to establish policies for determining if an individual should be added to the gang database
    Prohibits certain factors, such as race, from being included in the criteria for adding someone to the gang database
    Requires parental notification when anyone under 18 is added to the gang database
    Allows anyone over 18 to ask if they are on the gang database
    Creates both an administrative removal process and a formal appeal process for people who feel they were added to the database in error.
    Requires an annual audit of the gang database to identify any errors and make recommendations for improving its use
  • Improves language access for Limited English Proficient (LEP) individuals
    Requires the Police Department maintain its language access hotline to connect officers with qualified translators
    Requires the use of qualified translators if the officer isn’t fluent in the language spoken (except in emergencies)
    Mandates policies on officer fluency and defining emergencies
    Requires custodial interrogations of LEP individuals be recorded
    Requires vital materials be available in the five most commonly spoken languages in Providence

Councilors are expected to take a final vote on the proposed legislation at the City Council meeting on Thursday, June 1st at 7:00 pm.

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