Ward 4

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Councilor Justin Roias


Councilor Justin Roias represents Ward 4 and the North End of Providence, which includes the Charles and Wanskuck neighborhoods. He is the Vice-Chair of the Committee on State Legislative Affairs and is a member of the Committee on City Public Works, Committee on Ordinances, the Special Committee on Health, Opportunity, Prosperity, and Education (HOPE), the Housing Crisis Task Force, and the Special Committee on Environment and Resiliency. Roias currently works as a school social worker and licensed mental health counselor. He holds Bachelor’s and Master’s Degrees from Rhode Island College.  Roias is also a member of the Providence Housing Authority.

Ward 4 – Charles and Wanskuck (North End)

Ward 4 is considered the North End of Providence, which includes the Charles and Wanskuck neighborhoods. At the end of the nineteenth century, an expanding mill industry led to influx of European immigrants, especially Italian immigrants. This expansion of the population led to the further development of the North End. Today, both the Charles and Wanskuck neighborhoods are home to a strong Italian cultural community as well as a rich history of industrial labor.

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