Ward 4
All MembersCouncilor Justin Roias
Councilor Justin Roias represents Ward 4 and the North End of Providence, which includes the Charles and Wanskuck neighborhoods. He is the Vice-Chair of the Committee on State Legislative Affairs and is a member of the Committee on City Public Works, Committee on Ordinances, the Special Committee on Health, Opportunity, Prosperity, and Education (HOPE), the Housing Crisis Task Force, and the Special Committee on Environment and Resiliency. Roias currently works as a school social worker and licensed mental health counselor. He holds Bachelor’s and Master’s Degrees from Rhode Island College. Roias is also a member of the Providence Housing Authority.
Ward 4 – Charles and Wanskuck (North End)
Ward 4 is considered the North End of Providence, which includes the Charles and Wanskuck neighborhoods. At the end of the nineteenth century, an expanding mill industry led to influx of European immigrants, especially Italian immigrants. This expansion of the population led to the further development of the North End. Today, both the Charles and Wanskuck neighborhoods are home to a strong Italian cultural community as well as a rich history of industrial labor.
Recent News
Statement from Senior Deputy Majority Leader Nicholas J. Narducci Jr. in Appreciation of Providence Water
This morning, my neighbors and I were shocked to see large amounts of water flowing down our street and into our lawns and driveways. Providence Water crews quickly arrived on the scene and were able to manage the issue. Water was shut off on Dorothy Ave for about...
Statement from Senior Deputy Majority Leader Nicholas J. Narducci Jr. Regarding Windmill Street School Fire
I was deeply disappointed to hear of the fire that took place at the Windmill Street School on Sunday which resulted in extensive damage to the third floor and lower floors. I am grateful to the men and women of the Providence Fire Department who worked quickly to put...
Statement from Councilman Nicholas J. Narducci Jr. Regarding Violence in City of Providence
I am appalled by the overwhelming surge of violence that has taken over our city. It has gotten to the point where everyday citizens do not feel safe walking on the street or even driving in their cars. For years, I have been calling on the Mayoral administration and...
Statement from Councilman Nicholas J. Narducci Jr. Regarding Last Night’s Altercation
I was embarrassed to watch as the Mayor of our city provoked an inappropriate altercation between himself and Governor McKee. As an elected official, I hold my government colleagues to a high standard of professionalism, especially at community events that are meant...
City Councilors Call for Review of Mayor Elorza’s Agreement with Achievement First
At tonight’s City Council meeting, Councilors Helen Anthony (Ward 2), Nirva LaFortune (Ward 3) and John Goncalves (Ward 1) proposed a resolution calling for a review of Mayor Jorge Elorza’s license agreement with the charter school Achievement First, which grants the...
Providence City Council Approves $539 Million FY 2022 City Budget
Approved budget contains no tax increases and uses $42 million in stimulus funds for small business relief, youth investments, free public Internet access, and more. Tonight, the Providence City Council voted to approve a $539 million FY 2022 City Budget including $42...