Ward 6
All MembersCouncilor Miguel Sanchez
Councilor Miguel Sanchez represents Ward 6 including the Manton and Mt. Pleasant neighborhoods. Sanchez serves as the Majority Whip, Chair of the Pathway to End Gun Violence Advisory Council and Vice-Chair of the Rules Committee, Committee on Public Works, and the Special Committee on Environment and Resiliency. He is also a member of the Committee on Finance, Committee on Ward Boundaries, and the Special Committee on Health, Opportunity, Prosperity, and Education (HOPE). Sanchez is the Vice-Chair of the Olneyville Neighborhood Association Board. He currently serves on the Committee on Finance, the Committee on City Public Works, and the Rules Committee. He is also a member of the Recreational Advisory Board.
Ward 6: Manton & Mount Pleasant
Recent News

City Council Supports Redevelopment of Historic Former “Projo” Building
This TSA is one of the first that will generate a guaranteed funding source for the City’s Affordable Housing Trust At last night’s City Council meeting a majority of the council voted in favor of granting the developer of the property located at 203 Westminster...

City Council Leaders Introduced a Series of Measures to Expand Safety, Quality and Workforce Development in Construction
At tonight’s City Council meeting council leaders introduced a series of amendments to Chapters 14 and 21 of the Code of Ordinances. Together, these changes will create baseline standards for quality, safety, and workforce development in the construction industry....

Providence City Council to Create Youth Sports Fund & Grant Program
Tonight Council President Sabina Matos (Ward 15) will be introducing an amendment to the Code of Ordinances that would set-up a fund specifically for the support of Providence non-profit youth sports programs. The amendment is being co-sponsored by Council President...

City Council Awards a $2K Grant to the Providence Police Explorers
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Council President Matos and Pro-Tem Correia Attend 70th Police Training Academy Announcement
On Friday, October 18,2019 City Council President Sabina Matos (Ward 15) and Council President Pro Tempore Michael Correia (Ward 6) joined Mayor Jorge Elorza, Commissioner of Public Safety Steven Paré, Chief of Police Hugh Clements Jr., and several community leaders...

City Council President Pro Tempore Michael Correia Puts Criminals on Notice in Providence
This morning Providence Police Narcotics Officers made several arrests of prostitutes and street level drug dealers along Atwells Avenue, Newark Street, Cutler Street, and Academy Avenue after City Council President Pro Tempore Michael Correia (Ward 6) contacted the...