Ward 6
All MembersCouncilor Miguel Sanchez
Councilor Miguel Sanchez represents Ward 6 including the Manton and Mt. Pleasant neighborhoods. Sanchez serves as the Majority Whip, Chair of the Pathway to End Gun Violence Advisory Council and Vice-Chair of the Rules Committee, Committee on Public Works, and the Special Committee on Environment and Resiliency. He is also a member of the Committee on Finance, Committee on Ward Boundaries, and the Special Committee on Health, Opportunity, Prosperity, and Education (HOPE). Sanchez is the Vice-Chair of the Olneyville Neighborhood Association Board. He currently serves on the Committee on Finance, the Committee on City Public Works, and the Rules Committee. He is also a member of the Recreational Advisory Board.
Ward 6: Manton & Mount Pleasant
Recent News

City Council’s URRP Committee Approves Renaming the Providence Pedestrian Bridge in Memory of Michael S. Van Leesten
Providence City Council’s Committee on Urban Redevelopment, Renewal, and Planning Today Voted to Rename the Providence Pedestrian Bridge in Memory of Local Civil Rights Advocate Michael S. Van Leesten This afternoon Deputy Majority Leader Mary Kay Harris (Ward 11) and...

City Council Joins ONE Neighborhood Builders and the Central Providence Health Equity Zone to Distribute 50,000 Face Masks
Council President Sabina Matos (Ward 15) and Council President Pro Tempore Michael Correia (Ward 6) partnered with ONE Neighborhood Builders and their Central Providence Health Equity Zone on Friday, June 5, 2020, to pick up masks to be distributed in the community...

Statement from Council President Pro Tempore Michael Correia Regarding Last Night’s Events in the City of Providence
I want to thank our brave men and women of the Providence Police Department, the Rhode Island State Police, the Massachusetts State Police, and the police departments of neighboring cities and towns that helped assist in last night's violence that unfolded in our...

Council President Sabina Matos Urges United States Senate to Pass HEROES Act
Council President Sabina Matos (Ward 15) will introduce a resolution at tonight's City Council meeting endorsing and urging the United States Senate to pass H.R. 6800, the Health and Economic Recovery Omnibus Emergency Solutions Act also known as the HEROES Act. The...
Statement from Council President Pro Tempore Michael Correia Regarding Thursday’s Scheduled Property Tax Sale
After hearing from several constituents with concerns regarding their inability to pay their property taxes due to the closure of City Hall, my staff reached out to the Administration to pause Thursday’s previously scheduled tax sale. During these difficult times, it...

City Council’s Committee on Urban Redevelopment, Renewal, and Planning Tonight Passed a Second Round of Community Block Development Grants to Assist Local Agencies in the Fight Against COVID-19
Tonight, the City Council’s Committee on Urban Redevelopment, Renewal, and Planning (URRP) passed a second round of Community Block Development Grant (CDBG) Funding to help local agencies in the fight against COVID-19. “This evening the URRP Committee ensured that 33...