Ward 6

All Members

Councilor Miguel Sanchez

Councilor Miguel Sanchez represents Ward 6 including the Manton and Mt. Pleasant neighborhoods. Sanchez serves as the Majority Whip, Chair of the Pathway to End Gun Violence Advisory Council and Vice-Chair of the Rules Committee, Committee on Public Works, and the Special Committee on Environment and Resiliency. He is also a member of the Committee on Finance, Committee on Ward Boundaries,  and the Special Committee on Health, Opportunity, Prosperity, and Education (HOPE). Sanchez is the Vice-Chair of the Olneyville Neighborhood Association Board. He currently serves on the Committee on Finance, the Committee on City Public Works, and the Rules Committee. He is also a member of the Recreational Advisory Board.

Ward 6: Manton & Mount Pleasant

Ward 6 is comprised of the Manton and Mt. Pleasant neighborhoods. This region of the City is mostly residential and is bordered by the Woonasquatucket River. Manton is the westernmost part of the City; next to the neighboring town of Johnston. In the latter part of the twentieth century, Mt. Pleasant established itself as a region where Providence families settle for generations.
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Councilman Michael Correia Issues Statement Regarding the Board of Licenses

Correia Calls for Increased Enforcement of Fireworks

Councilman Michael Correia (Ward 6) has formally requested increased enforcement of fireworks used in Providence neighborhoods, especially those that disturb residents late at night. In a letter sent to Providence Police Chief Colonel Hugh Clements, Correia stated,...

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Councilman Michael Correia Issues Statement Regarding the Board of Licenses

City Council Bolsters ATV & Dirt Bike Enforcement Law

The Providence City Council tonight approved an ordinance that allows the Providence Police Department to confiscate and destroy recreational vehicles that are driven in the city illegally. In recent months, the city has faced an alarming uptick of unauthorized...

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Councilman Michael Correia Issues Statement Regarding the Board of Licenses

Correia Calls for Increased Enforcement of ATV Laws

In response to an incident involving 50 ATVs that swarmed a public park over the holiday weekend, Councilman Michael Correia (Ward Six) is calling on the Providence Police Department to increase its presence in the Manton area and enforce laws that prohibit the...

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