Ward 6
All MembersCouncilor Miguel Sanchez
Councilor Miguel Sanchez represents Ward 6 including the Manton and Mt. Pleasant neighborhoods. Sanchez serves as the Majority Whip, Chair of the Pathway to End Gun Violence Advisory Council and Vice-Chair of the Rules Committee, Committee on Public Works, and the Special Committee on Environment and Resiliency. He is also a member of the Committee on Finance, Committee on Ward Boundaries, and the Special Committee on Health, Opportunity, Prosperity, and Education (HOPE). Sanchez is the Vice-Chair of the Olneyville Neighborhood Association Board. He currently serves on the Committee on Finance, the Committee on City Public Works, and the Rules Committee. He is also a member of the Recreational Advisory Board.
Ward 6: Manton & Mount Pleasant
Recent News

City Council President Pro Tempore Correia Introduces Resolution Calling for Immediate Repairs to the Providence’s Public Safety Complex
Council President Pro Tempore Michael Correia (Ward 6) introduced a resolution tonight calling on the city’s Department of Public Property to make immediate repairs to the city’s Public Safety Complex. There are several issues that need to be addressed at the City’s...

City Council Introduces Resolution to Honor Michael Van Leesten
Tonight the City Council will introduce a resolution to honor the life and legacy of Michael Van Leesten, a Providence native and a pioneer in the Civil Rights Struggle of the 1960s. Mr. Michael Van Leesten was a graduate of Hope High School, Rhode Island College, and...

Statement from City Council President Pro Tempore Michael Correia Regarding the Demolition of the Property located at 60 Ernest Street
Today the Board of Contract and Supply approved a contract to demolish the property located at 60 Ernest Street. The building was home to the City’s old VIN Station and housed several other departments within the Department of Public Works. After several complaints...

Statement from City Council President Pro Tempore Michael Correia Regarding Reports of a Recent Shooting in the Silver Lake Neighborhood
Today, I read on social media that on Thursday, January 2, a school bus carrying approximately 50 students were bystanders to an incident involving two vehicles that allegedly traded between 1 and 5 gunshots. Thankfully these young students were unharmed, and the...

Statement from City Council President Pro Tempore Michael Correia Regarding the Arrest of a Neighborhood Vandal
The Providence Police Department has announced that they have arrested a serial vandal who has defaced multiple pieces of public property in the Manton and Atwells Avenue areas. I would like to extend my thanks and congratulations to Detective Mitchell Guerra for a...

Statement from Council President Pro Tempore Michael Correia Regarding Operation “Bussed Out”
Today the Providence Police Department announced the outcome of Operation "Bussed Out" which was a four-month-long investigation into drug trafficking in Kennedy Plaza. I was proud to stand with our hard-working Police Officers and their Commanders who worked...