Ward 10
All MembersCouncilman Pedro Espinal
Councilman Pedro Espinal was first elected to the Providence City Council in 2019. He represents the residents of Ward 10, which includes the Washington Park and Lower South Providence neighborhoods. Espinal currently serves as the Majority Leader and is the Chair of the Committee on Ordinances and Vice-Chair of the Housing Crisis Task Force. He is also a member of the Committee on City Property, the Committee on Claims and Pending Suits, Committee on Public Works, and the Special Committee on Environment and Resiliency. Espinal is also a member of the Providence Redevelopment Agency. Espinal has spent his life investing in real estate and creating affordable housing for his neighbors.
Ward 10: Lower South Providence & Washington Park
Recent News

Ordinance to Stop Illegal Dumping of Tires in the City of Providence Receives First Passage
At tonight’s City Council meeting, Councilor David Salvatore’s (Ward 14) ordinance that would curb the illegal disposal of used tires received first passage. The ordinance was co-sponsored by Deputy Majority Leader Mary Kay Harris (Ward 11), Councilwoman Carmen...

COVID-19 Vaccination Clinics Announced for February 17, 19, and 20, 2021
COVID-19 Vaccination Clinics Have Been Announced for this week for Providence Residents 75 and Older: Wednesday, February 17, 2021: http://bit.ly/3ajpbJi Managed by Providence Emergency Management Agency Friday, February 19, 2021: http://bit.ly/3aiqTdS Managed by...

City Councilors Call on Residents to Vote “Yes” on Questions Two, Three, and Five in Upcoming Special Election
At last week's City Council meeting, Councilors put forth several resolutions urging Providence voters to vote “Yes” on ballot referendum questions two, three, and five in the special election taking place on March 2, 2021. In December 2020, Governor Raimondo signed a...

Providence City Council Ordinance Banning Housing Discrimination Has First Passage
At tonight’s City Council meeting, an ordinance which would ban housing discrimination for prospective renters who rely on alternative source of income such as a Federal Housing Choice Voucher, child support, Social Security, Supplemental Security Income (SSI),...

Providence City Council Endorses Creation of An Environmentally Preferable Purchasing Policy
At last week’s City Council Meeting, the Providence City Council passed a resolution requesting the Office of Sustainability collaborate with the Purchasing Department, the Healthy Communities Office, the Providence Public School Department, and the school district's...

Statement from Councilman Pedro Espinal Regarding Today’s Fire at Prince Hall Masonic Temple
I was devastated to learn the news that a fire had destroyed the Prince Hall Masonic Temple earlier today. I was just there yesterday supporting their annual Christmas toy giveaway. This is such a loss for my community. For years, the Masons have been doing important...