Ward 7
All MembersCouncilwoman Ana Vargas
Councilwoman Ana Vargas represents Ward 7 which includes Hartford and half of the Silver Lake neighborhood. She is a member of the Committee on Claims and Pending Suits, Committee on Public Works, Committee on Urban Redevelopment, Renewal and Planning, Committee on Ward Boundaries and the Committee on State Legislative Affairs. She is also a member of the Recreational Advisory Board. Vargas is a proud community advocate and currently works for the Providence School Department.
Ward 7: Hartford & Silverlake
Ward 7 is made up of Hartford and half of the Silver Lake neighborhood. Located on the western side of Providence, this area is home to strong cultural identities in both Italian and Hispanic backgrounds. Silver Lake is a hub for Central American restaurants, bars and markets and is also the site of the annual Feast of Saint Bartholomew; a 3 day celebration in August. The 73 acre Neutaconkanut Park provides residents with public access to nature trails, skate parks, swimming pools and baseball fields.
Recent News

Statement from Council President John J. Igliozzi on the Passage of City Ballot Questions
Voters passed all 10 Providence City Charter (city constitution) Review Amendments Providence, RI - “Providence voters spoke volumes at the ballot box on election day, overwhelmingly approving 10 changes to the city’s charter, including the creation of a hybrid...

City Council Approves Final Passage of Tax Agreements for Superman Building and Former Providence Journal Building
City Council Approves Final Passage of Tax Agreements for Superman Building and Former Providence Journal Building Providence, RI – Tonight, city councilors passed on a vote of 11 to 2 (with one councilor abstaining and one absent) a 30-year tax stabilization...

Statement from Council President John Igliozzi on the Triggs Memorial Golf Course Vote
“As the sole dissenting vote today, I’m disappointed the Board of Parks Commissioners approved another 10-year commitment to FCG Associates, the current operator of Triggs Memorial Golf Course. Parts of the course have fallen into disrepair, and a laundry list of...

Statement from Council President John Igliozzi on Proposal to Limit College Student Occupancy in Homes and Apartments
Providence, RI – “I believe it is an appropriate decision for the sponsor of this ordinance, Councilwoman Helen Anthony (Ward 2), to keep an open dialogue and better understand the potential detrimental impact on the city’s rental market. In its present form, the...

Statement from Council President John Igliozzi on voter approval of city issuing a $515 million pension obligation bond
"Thank you to all the Providence residents who took the time and voted in today's special election. Your voice counts. I believe the city should issue a pension obligation bond to help mitigate our struggling pension system. The overwhelmingly affirmative vote today...

Statement from Council President John Igliozzi after the RI House Passed Pension Obligation Bond Legislation
"I would like to thank Speaker Shekarchi and Representatives in the House who supported this legislation with their votes today. We are one step closer, and now I respectfully ask members of the Senate and the public to keep an open mind toward this legislation. A...