Providence City Council President Sabina Matos (Ward 15) announced today that she is convening the City Council for a meeting to discuss the status of the Providence City Schools this coming Wednesday at 5:00 PM.
“We all must play our part to rebuild our school system,” stated City Council President Sabina Matos. “The Council must augment the voice of the families who demand accountability. In partnership with the State and the administration, we must ensure that our schools are safe and clean on day one for our students.”
The Council has invited Providence City School’s Interim Superintendent Francis Gallo, Chief of Administration Joseph DiPina; Providence City School Board President Nicholas Hemond, Esq., Providence City School Board Members; and Providence’s Director of Public Property Michael Borg to attend and and provide an update on the condition of our school buildings, and to discuss the comprehensive education report conducted by Johns Hopkins University.
Council President Matos continued, “I attended all but one of the community meetings held by Commissioner Angélica Infante-Green, and I was deeply moved by the passion and the resilience that our community voiced. Over the past two months, I have met with stakeholders at all levels and have expressed that the Council will do whatever it takes to improve the quality of education for our students. Our community is not only resilient, but we have proved time and time again that anything is possible with hard work. But first, we need to ensure that the basics are met – that our schools are clean, that our infrastructure projects are completed, that students, staff, and faculty have what they need to achieve success.”
City Council as a Whole meeting occurs when the Council wants to convene all its members to discuss a specific issue or topic.