Statement from City Council President Pro Tempore Michael Correia Regarding the Demolition of the Property located at 60 Ernest Street

Jan 6, 2020 | 0 comments

Today the Board of Contract and Supply approved a contract to demolish the property located at 60 Ernest Street. The building was home to the City’s old VIN Station and housed several other departments within the Department of Public Works. After several complaints from employees, and after seeing the state of the building for myself, I along with the Chairman of the Council’s Special Committee on Public Safety, Councilman James E. Taylor, called for the City to remove all employees from that building and to relocate the VIN station to the Public Safety Complex. We also called for the building to be demolished, and that the City invest in a new building for the Department of Public Works. Demolition will begin once all necessary permits are in place in the next several weeks. Although a new building is a ways off – I am proud of the work my colleagues and I did to ensure the safety for some of our City’s employees who worked out of this building which had asbestos and a serious rodent issue, all employees were relocated to safer and cleaner working conditions. Michael Correia, President Pro Tempore Providence City Council Councilman – Ward 6

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