Statement from Elected Legislators on Fire at RI Recycled Metals

Jul 10, 2024

As a large fire burns at Rhode Island Recycled Metals, Councilman Pedro Espinal, Senator Tiara Mack, and Representative Jose Batista released the following joint statement:

“As the elected legislators who represent this area, we are furious at yet another environmental disaster at our neighborhood pariah, Rhode Island Recycled Metals. The third fire in three years, and second this year, is so big it is taking 30 firefighters to battle it, depleting resources and wasting taxpayer dollars. RI Recycled Metals are a bad faith actor whose negligence and malfeasance are poisoning South Providence residents. Enough is enough. We demand the immediate closure of the scrapyard, and will continue to explore every possible legal mechanism at the city and state’s disposal to ensure they are shut down. We are calling on the Superior Court to approve the city’s cease-and desist order, and ask the Department of Environmental Management, Attorney General, and Governor to take immediate action to shut down RI Recycled Metals and end this public health nightmare.” 

Declaración de Legisladores Electos Sobre el Incendio en RI Recycled Metals 

Mientras arde un gran incendio en Rhode Island Recycled Metals, el concejal Pedro Espinal, la senadora Tiara Mack, y el representante Jose Batista publicaron la siguiente declaración conjunta:  

“Como los legisladores electos que representan esta región, estamos furiosos por otro desastre ambiental en el paria de nuestro vecindario, Rhode Island Recycled Metals. El tercer incendio en tres años, y el segundo de este año, es tan grande que requiere 30 bomberos para combatirlo, agotando recursos y desperdiciando dólares de los contribuyentes. RI Recycled Metals es un actor de mala fe cuya negligencia y mala conducta esta envenenando a los residentes de South Providence. Basta ya. Demandamos la clausura inmediata del deposito de chatarra, y continuaremos a explorar cada posible mecanismo legal disponible a la ciudad y al estado para asegurar que cierre. Instamos a la Corte Suprema a aprobar la orden de cese y desistimiento de la ciudad y solicitamos al Departamento de Gestión Ambiental, al Fiscal General, y al Gobernador que tomen medidas inmediatas para cerrar RI Recycled Metals y poner fin a esta pesadilla de salud pública.”

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