As the installation of speed bumps at the base of Henderson Bridge have become a consistent traffic and safety hazard, I would like to share with my constituents that I am working with City departments to mitigate this issue.
I have been in contact with the Department of Public Works and City Traffic engineer and we have directed them to explore all options to quickly fix this issue.
While many residents in this area have called for traffic calming measures here, and while we recognize that speed bumps and other traffic calming infrastructure are necessary to mitigate speeding and reckless driving in our City, these speed bumps are too high and must be rectified in a way that does not inconvenience or endanger drivers, vehicles, and pedestrians.
I will continue to work with community members and our City offices to find the best way to keep our streets safe and to ensure that these speed bumps are reduced in height and reconstructed as soon as possible.
John Goncalves
Councilman, Ward 1
Providence City Council