Council President Pro Tempore Michael Correia to Propose  Multiple Neighborhood Improvement Resolutions

Oct 1, 2020 | 0 comments

At tonight’s City Council meeting, Council President Pro Tempore Michael Correia (Ward 6) will introduce four resolutions regarding neighborhood improvements in his Ward.
“I continue to fight for important neighborhood upgrades in my Ward. Improvements such as traffic safety measures and small beautification updates, all add up to improving the quality of life in the Manton neighborhood,” stated President Pro Tempore Michael Correia.
The first resolution requests that the City Forester replace trees along Atwells Avenue removed during a sidewalk replacement. The requested trees’ site is between Academy Avenue and Mt. Pleasant Avenue and will help beautify the neighborhood. This particular stretch of street is heavily trafficked, and having new trees planted will play an essential role in air pollution mitigation.
The second resolution requests that the Department of Public Property install a gate at the District 6 Police Substation parking lot entrance.
The third resolution requests the installation of a crosswalk at the Manton Skate Park entrance by the Department of Public Works and the City Traffic Engineer. Pro Tempore Correia recently held a ribbon-cutting ceremony at the newly renovated Manton Skate Park, located at 588 Manton Avenue, and believes that this crosswalk will help keep pedestrians and cyclist safe as they visit the park and the Greenway.
The final resolution, a traffic calming request, calls on the Department of Public Works and the City Traffic Engineer to install additional safety signage along Manton Avenue. Specifically, the resolution requests a “SLOW CURVE” notification along the 800 block of Manton Avenue.
“I look forward to seeing these community improvements completed, and I extend my gratitude to the men and women of the DPW, Public Property, and the Parks Department who collaborate to make our City clean, safe and livable,” added President Pro Tempore Michael Correia.
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