Statement from Councilor David A. Salvatore Regarding Providence College COVID-19 Cases

Sep 18, 2020 | 0 comments

I want to thank the Providence College (PC) administration for their diligence and quick action regarding the newly reported cases of COVID-19 amongst their student body.
Last spring, I convened the colleges and universities in Providence to discuss their mitigation plans around bringing students back to campus. I am pleased to know that PC has followed their plan accordingly and has been committed to keeping the communities adjacent to campus informed of emerging COVID-19 cases and managing the pandemic.
As cases continue to rise on college campuses across the country, and as the World Health Organization just stated that the virus is projected to hit Europe in another wave in the coming weeks, it is now more important than ever that we stay vigilant and all do our part. This includes the students who attend PC and the other colleges and universities in our city who reside on-campus and off.
This morning, I was driving down Eaton Street and saw the road littered with red and blue solo cups and beer cans. Visually this tells me that students were gathering last night for parties and congregating, even as 80 of their classmates are fighting the virus. This behavior is unacceptable and needs to stop immediately.
Many college students need to remember that they are guests in the City of Providence during the years they are in school here. Students just like anyone else that chooses to flaunt the rules promulgated by Governor Raimondo and Director of the Rhode Island Department of Health, Dr. Alexander-Scott, MD, MPH, need to be held accountable for their behavior.
This morning I have reached out to the PC administration, the Providence Police Department, and other agencies to ensure that we are increasing patrols in the areas around PC and enforcing the stay-at-home order issued by the College.
Further, I respectfully ask our neighbors to refrain from utilizing the PC campus unless they work there. Using the facilities and walking the grounds have become part of many of our daily routines; however, we have to do our part in slowing the spread of the virus. In light of these recent circumstances, it is imperative that residents cease using the campus for recreation.
If you are concerned that you may have come into contact with any person who may have COVID-19, the State of Rhode Island allows for asymptomatic testing at several of the sites across the state, including the drive-thru and walk-thru sites at the Convention Center in downtown Providence. To make an appointment for a test, please visit the RIDOH COVID-19 Site to schedule a test: COVID-19 Testing.
David A. Salvatore
Providence City Council
Councilor – Ward 14
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