Council President Matos and Pro-Tem Correia Attend 70th Police Training Academy Announcement

Oct 21, 2019 | 0 comments

On Friday, October 18,2019 City Council President Sabina Matos (Ward 15) and Council President Pro Tempore Michael Correia (Ward 6) joined Mayor Jorge Elorza, Commissioner of Public Safety Steven Paré, Chief of Police Hugh Clements Jr., and several community leaders to announce the recruitment phase for the 70th Providence Police Department Training Academy.

“Public safety is one of the top concerns for the City Council,” stated City Council President Sabina Matos. “Our police department is understaffed, overworked, and we have more than 100 officers eligible for retirement in the coming year. While it is true that violent crimes are going down, the crimes of opportunity that affect quality of life in our city seem to be on the rise and the perception is that crimes are up. My office is looking into the feasibility of rolling academies, or allocating more funds for overtime from the City’s budget.”

City Council President Pro Tempore Michael Correia stated, “I have always been a big supporter of our public safety officers. As an elected official I believe that public safety is paramount, and I am in full support of expanding our Training Academy schedule to accommodate more cadets. Having more boots on the ground will help curb the uptick we have seen in crimes around our nightlife establishments.”

The application process for the 70th Providence Police Training Academy will be open through December 31, 2019. The extensive selection process includes seven phases: Physical Fitness Assessment, Written Examination, Oral Interview, Background Investigation, Psychological Evaluation and a Physical Fitness pre-test prior to entering into the police academy. The academy is approximately 24-weeks long and includes over 812 hours of training including daily physical fitness training, defense tactics, firearms training, criminal law procedures, community policing, investigation, emergency vehicle operation and much more.

Applications must be completed online only and the application fee must be paid at the time of submission to ensure the applicant will be notified of the next steps related to the recruitment process. For more information please visit: 70th Training Academy

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