Statement from Council President Pro Tempore Michael Correia Regarding the Suspension of JUMP Bikes

Aug 22, 2019 | 0 comments

With today’s announcement, the City has taken a positive step forward in addressing the safety concerns of residents by suspending the JUMP Bike program.

After engaging with the community, the overwhelming response was that this initiative, although good in theory, lacked key controls such as a safety and retrieval plan. My Council colleagues and I put forth a resolution in July that has prompted the administration to take action, and we look forward to working with them to create a program that works for all residents.

I want to commend the Providence Police Department for doing a fantastic job responding to complaints and investigating the problems associated with the JUMP Bikes over the past year. The City Council is committed to making sure that the need for reliable and affordable forms of transportation continues to be a top priority, and will work with our partners in government to achieve that end.

Michael J. Correia, President Pro Tempore, Providence City Council, Councilman – Ward 6

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