Statement from Councilor David Salvatore Calling on Mayor Elorza and the Providence Police Department to Address the Illegal Use of ATVs on Our City Streets

Aug 24, 2020 | 0 comments

I am calling on Mayor Jorge Elorza and the Providence Police Department to take action regarding the illegal and dangerous use of ATVs on our City Streets. Over the past week, I have received numerous phone calls and emails from constituents who are concerned about and troubled by the frequent ATV traffic throughout Ward 14 and the rest of the City.
Not only is the loud noise created at night by ATVs disrespectful to families with children and workers with early morning shifts, but ATVs also pose a serious threat to the safety of Providence residents, including pedestrians, children, and other drivers. Just last week, an eight-year-old boy was injured in an ATV accident.
I understand that we live in a city and what is not tolerated in other municipalities might be given leeway in dense populations, but putting residents in harm’s way when these vehicles are speeding through our streets and on our City sidewalks is unacceptable.
The current ‘no pursuit’ policy is not working. While our police officers have a responsibility to mitigate any potential for traffic accidents, other drivers and pedestrians live in fear of being hurt or worse by an ATV or dirt bike.
For these reasons, I am asking Mayor Elorza and the Providence Police Department to take decisive action against the illegal use of ATVs and to mitigate threats to the quality of life and safety of our neighbors.
David A. Salvatore
Providence City Council
Councilor – Ward 14
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