Statement from Senior Deputy Majority Leader Nicholas J. Narducci Jr. Regarding the Fire at 108 Langdon Street

Jul 9, 2020 | 0 comments

On Saturday, July 4, 2020, a two family home located at 108 Langdon Street caught on fire and was damaged beyond repair. Although the fire is still under investigation there is strong evidence to believe that an illegal firework may have landed on the house causing it to burn.
The two families have been placed in temporary housing and luckily no one was hurt. I want to personally thank the Providence Fire Department for their quick action, and ensuring the safety of the neighboring houses, and residents. Their actions speak volumes to the professionalism of our amazing men and women of the Providence Fire Department.
Thank you to all involved. It’s devastating when anyone loses a home, even more so when it may have been done so because of illegal behavior. If the Fire Marshal does declare that it was an illegal firework I will work with the Police Department and area neighbors to see if they have any video footage from their security cameras from that night.
Nicholas J. Narducci Jr., Senior Deputy Majority Leader
Providence City Council
Councilman – Ward 4
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