Statement from Councilman David Salvatore Regarding Aid to Businesses that Sustained Damage in Monday Night’s Riots in the City of Providence

يونيو 5، 2020 | تعليقات

Today, I am calling on the City of Providence to help our businesses that suffered private property damage under Rhode Island General Law 45-15-13.
Per the state statute, affected businesses are entitled to receive three-fourths of the value of damage resulting from unlawful acts that occurred with six or more people in the municipality where the event took place.
I ask that the City of Providence and the City Council’s Committee on Claims and Pending Suits to expedite and streamline the process while following the guidelines set forth by Rhode Island General Law.
Businesses wishing to take advantage of this state law are required to comply by attesting to the amount of damages they incurred from the incident under oath.
If this is the route that any of our businesses that were affected by Monday’s rioting wish to take, the City needs to ensure that they can expedite the process to help our business community get back on their feet.
For reference, please see: القانون العام RI 45-15-13 or to file a claim with the City Clerks Office you can do so here: City Claims.
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