Statement from City Council President Sabina Matos Regarding Tonight’s Public Hearing

Junho 9, 2020 | comentários 0

In an effort to ensure transparency and accessible government, a few individuals took advantage of the anonymity of remote participate and used it as an opportunity to spew hatred.

I will be discussing a rescheduling of the public hearing with Chairman Igliozzi to ensure that: 1) we thoroughly screen for participants  who actually want to speak about the City’s budget and 2) allow everyone who wants to participate the opportunity to do so.

Please know that you have our deepest apologies for the racist, antsiemetic, homophobic, and misogynistic language that was used by these callers.

Your voice matters and it will be heard.

Sabina Matos, Council President
Câmara Municipal de Providência
Vereadora – Distrito 15

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