Statement from City Council President Sabina Matos Regarding Mayor Elorza’s State of the City Address

11 fevereiro de 2020 | comentários 0

I share the Mayor’s sentiments that we are a City in transition, yet remain committed to cultivating a Providence that works for all residents both new and old. One cannot argue that Providence is changing. As the mayor proudly pointed out: development in downtown is rampant, city services are now more accessible for residents, and with support from the City Council, we have made a major financial commitment to invest in our communities and to tackle the challenges of climate change.

While the progress the city has made over the last two terms is noteworthy, we have yet to turn the page on our most stubbornly daunting issues. Our education system is the subject of national scrutiny, our unfunded pension liability looms like an incoming storm, and displacement is uprooting generations of families that know no other home but Providence.

As leaders, we have no other choice but to meet the demands of our great city and be optimistic. With hard work and open minds, we can further transform this city to meet the needs of its most marginalized residents. However, before we hastily declare a new era of prosperity, it is imperative that we not turn a blind eye to those who are most at-risk of being left behind.

Sabina Matos, presidente
Câmara Municipal de Providência
Vereadora – Distrito 15

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