Declaração do vice-líder da maioria, Nicholas J. Narducci Jr.
Statement form Councilman David A. Salvatore

Statement form Councilman David A. Salvatore

On behalf of myself and the residents of Ward 14, I want to thank the Providence Police Department for their quick work in minimizing the situation on Douglas Avenue earlier today. The safety of our City’s residents is paramount, and we are thankful that this situation was able to be resolved quickly.

Although there were shots fired, the suspect has been apprehended along with his weapon. The suspect was known to police and is now off our streets. An officer was shot, but thankfully his protective gear kept him out of harm’s way.

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to the injured officer, and thank all the first responders involved.

As we learn more information, we will share it with the community as quickly as possible.


Statement from Council President Sabina Matos Regarding RIDE’s Reconstitution Order
Statement from Council President Sabina Matos Regarding RIDE’s Reconstitution Order
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