Statement from Majority Leader Ryan Regarding Suspension of JUMP Bikes Program

22 Agosto , 2019 | comentários 0

I support the JUMP Bikes program here in Providence, and I believe it provides an important affordable and environmentally friendly mode of transportation in our City. I am also in full support of the administration’s decision to suspend the program until we can review and implement the proper controls and protocols to make this program a success.

Once the company switched from their U-shaped locks to their cable lock system it became clear that the bikes were too easily compromised. This new locking mechanism created several adverse effects in our community which I believe created serious quality of life issues. Which is why in July, I introduced a resolution requesting the administration to do a comprehensive study of this program. To date, the Council has not received that. Once we do, it will be vetted in an open committee meeting.

There are a number of these bicycles unaccounted for in our community, and that causes me concern. I am hopeful that the City, the Council, and JUMP Bikes can come to a resolution that benefits all members of our community, and that we have protocols in place to ensure the safety of pedestrians and riders alike.


Jo-Ann Ryan, Majority Leader, Providence City Council, Councilwoman – Ward 5

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