Comitê de Portarias aprova legislação que define nomeações para prefeitos

Junho 19, 2019 | comentários 0

The Committee on Ordinances has voted to send legislação to the full Council that calls for the appointments of the Mayor to not exceed their term, which is presently four years. Upon its passage, this ordinance will apply to all directors not appointed during the present term.
“At the beginning of the term I sent a letter to the Mayor requesting that he submit each of his directors, officers, and committee members before the Council for approval,” stated City Council President Sabina Matos. “To this date, that has not happened. I feel strongly that the Council, especially with so many new members, get a chance to vet and consider each of these important positions.
The City Solicitor has issued an opinion in opposition, and the Council Leadership is questioning the veracity of that opinion and will be seeking outside counsel.
Majority Leader and Chairwoman on the Committee on Ordinances added, “For the administrative and legislative body to work collaboratively we need to have this level of checks and balances to ensure proper vetting of all directors, officers, and committee members. It’s clear to me that the Charter allows for this, and I don’t know why anyone charged with public service would stand in the way of open and transparent governance.  I’m proud of the work we have done in Committee to bring this forward.”
Again, the Council will be seeking an outside legal opinion regarding this legislation. It is clearly outlined in Article III, Section 302 (B) of the Home Rule Charter that all directors, officers, and committee members must not go beyond the term of the Mayor – which is defined in Article II Section 202 of the Home Rule Charter as four years.
Para mais informações: Regimento interno
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