Statement from David A. Salvatore Regarding the Sentencing of Former Councilman Kevin Jackson

12 Dezembro, 2018 | comentários 0

Today marks the conclusion of a sad chapter in Providence’s history. For far too long, city government in our capital city has been under a cloud of suspicion and shame as a litany of elected officials were charged with felonies. As the judicial process winds down on this and other pending matters, I hope our city can move forward.

I am glad that former Councilman Jackson has accepted responsibility for his actions by pleading no contest to the charges against him, and that he has agreed to repay funds he embezzled from a youth organization. I hope this serves as a lesson to any elected official who thinks they can use their position for personal game. It is a new day in Providence and in Rhode Island, and the backroom dealings and shady politics of yesterday will no longer be tolerated.


David A. Salvatore, President, Providence City Council

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