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اجتماع مجتمع فارجنولي بارك

فبراير 25 و 2019 @ 5: 30 pm - 6: 30 مساء


Please join Councilman David A. Salvatore, members of the Providence Parks Department, and the Friends of Fargnoli Park for a community discussion about upcoming improvements to Fargnoli Park. We will be sharing phase two of park upgrades, and discussion around new equipment. We welcome your feedback and ideas.

We’ll meet on the Providence College Campus in the lower level of the Slavin Center in The Slavin Soft Lounge. Parking can be found in the Wardlaw Avenue lot (located at the corner of Wardlaw Avenue and Cumberland Street.


25 فبراير 2019
5:30 مساءً - 6:30 مساءً
فئة الحدث:



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