سلفاتوري يصدر بيانًا بشأن إعادة برنامج RIPTA Bus Pass إلى العمل المقترح

يونيو 16، 2017 | تعليقات

Councilman David Salvatore (Ward 14) today issued the following statement in response to the proposed reinstatement of the RIPTA bus pass program that has been approved by the House Finance Committee: 


“On behalf of my constituents and the people of Providence, I’d like to thank the General Assembly for working to reinstate the no-fare RIPTA bus program that supports our residents in greatest need. For many low-income, disabled, and elderly residents, public transportation is the only way to get to the grocery store, or to work, or to doctor appointments. This measure fills a critical need for many folks in our communities by ensuring continued access to basic services.”

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